My, how you've grown. Your personality, evident from birth, is becoming even more pronounced and nuanced with each passing day. I have enjoyed getting to know your ins and outs and likes and dislikes and I am so proud to call you mine. I wouldn't trade this time together for anything in the whole wide world. You make me laugh and you challenge me in the best possible ways. I have never known love like this before.

The second half of this year is going by much too quickly. Everyone warned us this would happen but I didn't want to believe them. In the blink of an eye, a mewling, motionless infant starts crawling and walking and talking. Growing up takes a lot of work, though. I've seen these exertions first-hand and I can testify to the ebbs and flows of sleep and teething and everything else she has to explore in the space of a day. It's a lot of stimulation to process all at once without some bumps in the road.
We have two more swim classes left before we test our skills on the first of two aquatic vacations. We've started weekly Music Together classes on Monday mornings. Our group is large, about 14 children of various ages, and their (mostly) mothers. There's one nanny and one dad. There's a boy names Ares who lives up to his name in every way. He wages war on the giant drums hiding in the corner and lets loose his wrath when prevented from running amok. There's a Hannah, a Vivian, a Margot, an Isabelle, an Isabella, a Ryan, an Abigail, an Anders, and others I can't remember. It's a nice mix of toddlers and babies and a terrifying preview of what permissive parenting looks like. Ha! Not for our way. (Example: Ryan broke free and tried to take down the fire extinguisher while Ares and Isabella, brother and sister, fought over who could climb the stacked mats in the corner before someone noticed what they were doing.) Tempest doesn't miss a beat. She's probably storing up ideas for when she can run around during future classes.
It's nice to be out and about in the warming spring weather with her. She's at such a wonderful age for absorbing new experiences and I don't worry so much about keeping to a strict schedule with her because, let's be honest, if she gets two naps a day of at least 30-45 min, I'm fine with that. These days, I don't even feel guilty about plopping down next to her and snoozing when I can. Is it when they're toddlers that they nap for hours at a time? Yes? Please? That would be SO NICE.
Seven months and she's working her way up to scooting. She likes to grab hold of furniture now and pull herself up. She can hold it for a few moments before her legs get tired but she knows how it works and that's scary. Any day now she's going to just start moving and then there's no going back!
She's been in bed for about 20 minutes now which means I have another 20 minutes before she wakes up and realizes I'm gone. I'll quit while I'm ahead and try to catch up on school work...or DVR. Who am I kidding? DVR always wins.