So much for due dates...
I am convinced that IVF babies come early, complications excluded, because they have a head start on other embryos. Think about it: they are fertilized under controlled conditions and are 6-day-old blastocysts by the time they implant, almost immediately, in the uterus. There's no lollygagging. No margin for error. They need to get down to business right away if they're going to make it in this world and for that reason, I truly believe Tempest was one step ahead and oh-so-ready to meet us, regardless of her projected arrival. And yes, there's the preeclampsia to thank for the speed at which the decision was made to deliver her but I do think, had I enjoyed a totally uncomplicated pregnancy, that she would have made her entrance before October anyway. My sapphire Virgo baby wanted to be born and looking back, I wouldn't change a thing.
This is pretty much the most obvious statement I could make regarding the issue but I cannot imagine still being pregnant. The last month of gestation took it's toll physically and emotionally so going a month beyond that? I honestly don't know how I could have done it without constant medical intervention. Just think of the Cigna bill I'd have run up for weekly or possibly even more frequent L&D visits for IV meds! Did you know that without insurance one visit costs $1095?! Thank goodness for our $35 copay.
I was going to save the sentimental retrospection for tomorrow's One Month Birthday post so instead, I'll commemorate today by sharing that last night, Tess successfully co-slept for 4 straight hours without waking. That is the longest stretch of continuous slumber for mother and baby since probably early June. I allowed myself a brief happy dance, trying not to get ahead of my joy. Each day -- and each night -- is a new adventure.
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