Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Disappearing Bump

I'm 15 weeks and two days now.  I got really excited on Saturday when it appeared my teeniest of bumps was for real this time but no, sadly, it appears to be mostly bloat. 

I do blame my giant scar for impeding the emergence of an actual, discernible baby mound.  (I should instead be celebrating my good genes, I suppose?  My grandmother didn't show until 6 months with my mother!)  I realize that while most women will "pop" - hate that word! - between 10-12 weeks,  there is natural variation and some make it to 5 months or more without really looking pregnant.  This is another lesson in everyone is different and there's no point comparing yourself to others.

Sometimes I wake up completely flat-bellied and then as the day wears on, there's a little pooch most likely attributed to the cheese or yogurt or anything, it seems, that I put in my mouth these days.  The round ligaments stretching and swelling throughout the day also contributes to the, um, looseness by dinner time.  I say a silent prayer each day that I do not develop diastasis recti.  Google it if you're curious.  :shudder: 

On the bright side, I know PB is in there, now the size of an apple or a naval orange, because I can feel the very beginning of my uterus pushing out but this baby needs to do a bit more growing before its ready to greet the world and announce its presence.

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