Hard to believe we're looking at less than 8 weeks now. It's just enough time to get that nursery painted (cough - this week! - cough), assemble the crib, and spruce things up a bit without feeling completely harried. We got a surprise visit from our contractor while we were at our 30 week appointment on Wednesday. He stopped by to replace all of the baseboards and molding so we're 25% there. That was a nice early birthday present. The tags have been cut off the tiny outfits and most of PB's sheets have been washed in anticipation of her arrival. Really, we're set aside from purchasing a starter set of diapers and wipes.
It was reassuring to speak with the tech and with Dr. Garfinkle who I haven't seen since my 13 week bleeding scare. He's refreshingly frank (get it?) about pretty much everything, freely commenting on lab results (super healthy!) and the not so pleasant realities of complete placenta previa including the chances of some truly horrendous risks before and during my C-section, though he's quick to throw out reassuring tidbits like, "but that's probably not going to happen to you." Let's hope not. Though I am nowhere near anemic, he's suggested taking iron pills now to ward off potential blood loss down the line. It's an increased risk with previa births so I'd rather err on the side of caution. I feel like an octogenarian now with my 5 pills at breakfast and 2 at night! We're looking at another ultrasound during Week 34 and then we'll set a C-section date for most likely 38 weeks around September 21. Target in sight!
It does no good to dwell on the gory details but I feel prepared to face whatever comes in the next few weeks, having educated myself as to what could happen through reading and speaking with my caregivers. In the event of a hemorrhage, I know I'm going to St. Peter's ER here in New Brunswick instead of driving up to Morristown. But that's probably not going to happen to me. For now I just keep doing what I'm doing, though I admit lugging around a 3+ pound baby is beginning to translate to constant pelvic pressure due to her position and the previa. Sometimes it feels like she might just drop out on her own and on those days, I try to take it easy. When I am on my feet all day, I definitely feel it at night. The lovely prenatal massage I had yesterday was glorious for the 50 minutes it lasted so I'm trying to hold onto some of that bliss today. The best part was the foot rub. I could use one of those on a nightly basis!
PB was out-of-control tub thumping during Star Trek: Into Darkness last night. Maybe it was all the explosions or the glut of halloumi and watermelon salad but it seems as though we have a fourth generation Trekkie on our hands. Live long and prosper, y'all.
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