Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rolling in the deep

To say it's been an eventful week would be an understatement.  I was going to write a post or two through the rough uncertainties but now I'm kind of glad that I couldn't bring myself to sit down an do it.  Things have a way of working out in the end and our news is unchanged, if not entirely happy.  What's positive is that I do NOT have placenta accreta at this time and hopefully that remains the same for the next three weeks before determining a delivery date.

Among the fun things since Sunday:

*troubling symptoms of preterm labor (everything but the gush!) -- breathtaking back pain, several contractions in an hour, increase in pelvic pressure, nausea, dizziness; you name it.

*Not one but two non-stress tests which really agitated PB, causing her to move around like a possessed Furby in my womb - it really was like that scene in "Alien" without the bursting guts.

*One concerned OB who mentioned the term "irritable uterus" for the first time.  I'd laugh but it's a real thing and not so funny when you have it...

*My first fFN (fetal fibronectin test) swab - negative so no seepage of amniotic fluid

*An impromptu trip to L&D for a cervical length ultrasound (about 3 cm which is the lowest end of normal and not clinically "funneling" yet) and another check on the placenta with a specialist, just to be safe

*Two sleepless nights: one pain free and one back to Sunday night symptoms

*Total, grateful exhaustion that all is well for the moment and an excuse to take two epic tubs per day

I would put this latest episode in the PB Chronicles up there with the Week 12 SCH bleed.  Talk about sprouting gray hairs on your head!  Thank goodness for the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor who was nothing if not extremely thorough in his exam, even if he did manage to unpack a Pandora's box worth of worry.  He took the time in L&D triage, surrounded by actual laboring women, to ask me all about my surgical history and this pregnancy.  He was concerned enough about possible accreta to call my OB and have me set up an appointment at the MFM offices down the street just to rule it out.

So yesterday, after high anxiety and preparing for more bad news, we met the lovely ultrasound tech who showed us that our squirrely daughter had wedged not only her head but both legs over her head on my left side. She was transverse and facing my back - a first! - so no wonder I was super uncomfortable the night before.  I can always tell when this kid is up to something because I am usually gasping for breath and crawling to the tub on all fours at ungodly hours of the morning.  She is measuring 4 lbs 10 oz for 33 weeks (tomorrow) so she's right on target.  That's a blessing.  Amniotic fluid looks good and we got to see her lungs moving as she practiced her breathing.

The tech spent several quiet moments staring at the blood flow contrast to my cervix and then took images of the placenta.   It was unnerving, how silent she was, but she told us the doctor (yet another new one) would be in after a moment or two to discuss.  The new doctor, one of six women in the practice, said she couldn't make out any penetration of the placenta into the uterine muscle.  She did note the heavy vascularity her colleague was so concerned about on Monday but ultimately said that won't affect the incision of the c-section because the cut goes up higher on the uterus and the placenta is posterior.  There is still concern about loss of blood during surgery, as with any case of previa, and they want to check me again at 35 weeks to see if I need to deliver at 36 or if I can go a week or two past that. 

And just like that, we could pack away our doldrums and take a breath now that we aren't dealing with a double-whammy complication.  To be realistic, though, nothing has changed with my initial diagnosis of CPP.  That sucker ain't budging and they are still bringing me in for weekly visits to make sure we're on track for a term delivery.  Though I'm currently bleed free and not on bed rest, I definitely feel my best when I take frequent breaks, stand as little as possible so someone's head/feet/butt aren't pressing on my cervix, stretch on my yoga ball, take warm baths/showers, and generally focus on trying to get through the next two weeks of finals before maternity leave.  I'd say that's enough to keep me busy before go-time.

I can deal with an irritable uterus and am so very grateful that's all it is, as annoying/irritating/par for the course as it is.  I mean really, would I expect anything less from my reproductive organs?  Of course they're irritable!  They've been through hell and back and now have an almost 5 lb melon ball pressing on them!

I can deal with a spinning baby who loves nothing more than rolling in the deep because that, my dear daughter, is short-lived.  By 34 weeks you'll be short on space and wherever you end up when that buzzer goes off is where you're stuck so pick a nice, comfy spot, baby.  You'll be there for a couple of weeks and I'd love for you to have a period of rest before you're entire world bursts forth under the sterile spotlight of OR lamps and you feel your first blast of icy air on the outside.  I'm sorry it's going to be slightly more traumatic than traveling down the birth canal but you'll be safe and warm once they pull you out of me and wrap you up tight.  Once they stick that beanie on your head and burrito roll you, you'll hardly be able to tell the difference between your own private uterus and the new fabric womb you'll be enjoying for the first few days.  I promise not to restrict your movement too much.

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