Sunday, January 25, 2015

Heureux Anniversaire

January 25, 2014 - hmmmmm, now what were we doing one year ago today?

Oh, right!

Acupuncture in the morning, followed by the longest drive of our lives through the snow to Fortress Ovum for a 1:00 PM date with destiny. 

It's the anniversary of your conception, Sweet Potato.  Happy Transfer Day!

Every January 25, we'll make you a tiny blastocyst-shaped treat to commemorate this very special day.  And today was extra special on this already red-letter occasion. 

Almost as if you planned it, this was the morning when you decided to come out of hiding and roll freely and frequently in front of us.  No more stealth baby!  We've got Tumblin' Tess, the most prolific back-to-belly roller in the East.

Of course we've known you could do it since December 23 but it always seemed like a fluke when you found yourself turned over.  And of course we always seemed to miss you in action and would find you flipped in the middle of the night or we'd walk back into the room after getting a snack or throwing a load in the laundry and say, "Wait a minute, wasn't she on her back earlier?"  

But now?  Oh, now you are unstoppable, child.  You straight up refuse to lie still anymore.  Put you on your back, you're rolling.  Put you on your belly, you're kicking and grunting and trying desperately with every muscle in your body to roll.  You're propelled by some invisible force to flop yourself over and over again, Xena, Warrior Princess screams and all.  (Honestly, do you have to yell every single time?  We get it.  You're enthralled by your superpowers but Oscar is not.)

It's fascinating to watch you on the move, but a this is a turning point for us and for you.  Nevermore will you be a babe at rest.  You'll be keeping us on our toes from here on out.

I could watch you roll all day.  I've probably used up half the memory on my phone trying to capture it on film before now but finally I have several clips of you like, "oh, this?  yeah, I can do this in my sleep."  At the moment, I notice that you only roll to your right and only from your back.  You become extremely frustrated when you get stuck attempting to roll from your tummy time.  You make it 2/3 of the way there but can't quite free your arm for that final push over.  We know you'll get the hang of it some day far too soon so for now, please, relax, take a chill pill and enjoy the back-to-belly fun.  Getting you down for naps and to bed will never be the same...

It is only fitting that your efforts today conjured up a snow storm - nay, a blizzard - of historic proportions, Miss Tempest.  Looks like the four of us will be spending the next few days rolling in harmony, barricaded inside against the many feet of snow. 

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