Friday, January 23, 2015

Leaps and Bounds

Here she is, a mere 18 weeks old, and Miss Tempest is more entertaining than any other baby I've ever laid eyes on.  (And I've seen me some babies between middle school and adulthood in my illustrious babysitting career.)

Of course I'm biased.  Most mothers would probably say the same of their own little goober.
The kid is a serious charmer.  Between her newly discovered love of belly laughs and high-pitched joy screams, to ripping ass at the most inopportune moments, she is a delight.  I am so in love with this little girl.

This shoulda been the new face of Gerber...

Among the new tricks she's picked up:
  • Singing (see Elf: "I'm SINGing!  I'm SINGing!")
  • Furious rattle shaking impersonations of Animal from the Muppets (this typically results in tears when she bonks herself in the face)
  • "Tiger Lily" ugg-a-wug speak (hard to explain...just watch the Mary Martin Peter Pan and you'll get the idea)
  • Attempts at signing "mommy" and "milk" in ASL
  • An appreciation of high culture: namely Bizet's overture to Carmen (thanks to the Baby Einstein classical turtle, I've now downloaded the entire opera but the rousing opener is her main jam)
  • Pout-pout face.  Hysterical.  Also sad because she looks very, very upset for no reason except it's usually around 8:00 PM and she's tired as hell because she sleeps maybe 45 min to an hour between 7:00 AM and 6:30 PM.  Seriously.
  • Yelling, "Heyyyy you guuuuuuuys!" (Close your eyes and you'll hear Sloth from The Goonies.)
  • Incredible She-Hulk chain breaking on her activity gym.  She whips that thing around like a jump rope and pulls with all her might.
  • Inchworming.  Rhett loves when you put her down in her crib at one end and she winds up with her head against the total opposite end by sticking her butt up in the air and dragging her belly across the mattress.  Sometimes she manages to get her legs caught in the slats and that's what wakes her up.  Mesh crib bumper to the rescue!
  • Stealth rolling.  We've covered this but she did it at 2:15 AM on Tuesday and neither of us saw it happen...foiled again!
  • Holding her head up!  Most of the time!  She wants to sit on our laps facing outward now.  No more snuggly baby unless she's nursing.  
  • Obsession with the "talking box, AKA the television.  She has noticed it and there's no going back.  Also, the "writing box" because now she's very intrigued by my online course shells.
  • Teething: stuffing everything in her mouth, screaming in pain when it hurts and self-soothing with her fist, which she inevitably bite,s and then more screaming until we get the frozen ring or a milkpop.  Boy, does she make a mess with milkpops.
  • Staring at Oscar and breaking into a wide grin.  Love that dog.

This week, we have our demo Music Together class to test out the East Brunswick location.  I suspect she will love wall the singing, shaking and banging.  We won't start weekly until March and by then, she will be sitting up if not scooting around.  Then, we have our intro to swimming private trial class to see if it's worth signing up for the group 6 week course.  Gotta start this little mermaid early so she can snorkel by the time we take our next bareboating trip...ha!

As we approach the depths of winter, my days are mostly merry and bright.  The sedentary newborn stretch is behind us and though I sometimes feel a pang remembering that completely dependent peanut who demanded to be worn around the house, I welcome this exciting new phase and all the challenges and discovery it will bring.

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