Wednesday, May 14, 2014

And though she be but little...

She is fierce.

We are officially having a daughter!

PB had her first photo shoot yesterday during the anatomy scan and you can clearly see her lady bits and that sweet profile as she's reposed over my placenta.  (Yes, it's still totally covering the cervix but not much we can do about that.) 

It took long enough for PB to warm up to us and move her hands off of her genitals.  We had to wait 15 minutes to finally sneak a peek at her pelvis.  She's certainly a modest one and oh, so flexible.  She spent most of the scan with her legs up over her head and her hands shot through the opening between them.  All that yoga is really rubbing off on her.  She's still in transverse breech position which probably has a lot to do with the placenta placement but it isn't affecting her nutrition or growth.

The tech looked at literally every minutia possible: we saw the kidneys, the four chambers of the heart, the cerebellum, the umbilical cord, the abdomen, the fingers and toes, and briefly, her lips.  She was "hiding under my scar" for a good portion of the scan.  Turns out my hunch about the lack of a true bump absolutely has to do with the position of my scars but in another few weeks, that should change.  Ultrasounds can't accurately read through scar tissue - my uterus happens to be right under my laparotomy scar at the moment -so whenever PB would scoot down to the scar line, we lost clarity in the image of her head and face.  As baby and uterus grow and begin to expand out of the pelvis, we'll have an easier time seeing facial details and by then I should be ready for fundal measurements.

The important thing is that PB is measuring on target and we are halfway through this pregnancy!  We met with the third and final doctor - a very motherly Indian woman - who did warn me that unless my placenta moves by our 30 week scan in July, the official call of placenta previa will be made and we'll begin to talk C-section dates.  Ah, the best laid plans...but really, that's the least of my worries.  I am in great health and so is the baby.  Do I look forward to yet another major abdominal surgery?  Not so much but hey, C-section babies don't get cone-heads at birth!

I love that our baby girl is so active and has so much personality already.  Watching her for an extended period of time was such a gift.  She was throwing punches around each time the tech would try to turn her for a new angle.  She looked like a little Jedi street fighter, grooving to a disco beat.  Her femurs are apparently measuring quite large but the tech looked at us and said, "well, neither of you are short people."  She's going to be a giantess - not a shocker.  I was a hearty newborn and we all know Rhett's story so at least we don't have to be afraid of handling some delicate little flower.  I'm telling you, it's all that calcium being put to good use!  


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