Yesterday, we made an unplanned visit to the OB. I had been having some intense cramping and fresh spotting which are all red flags, given the placenta placement, so to be safe I called in my symptoms. I have learned that it's better to have peace of mind than worry for days not knowing if everything is going to be okay. That doesn't make me paranoid or nervous but my reality of IVF and ensuing complications has taught me to advocate for when I just know something feels "off."
The receptionist got me in right away with Dr. Convery (who is quickly becoming our favored delivery choice) and I had a full exam and quick ultrasound. Sure enough, there was a ton of old blood inside that was visible to the naked eye. This could be the same SCH irritation from January that keeps reopening as the uterus stretches. The next two weeks are a particularly big growth spurt for the baby and for my uterus so that could explain why I had such menstrual-like cramps as the placenta, which is still covering the cervix, has to stretch and grow.
There was a very pale spot on the u/ss - which indicates a fresh bleed - but it was small and Dr. Convery said all of the uterine stretching could have irritated it but that it should resolve on its own. The baby is doing just fine, the fluid looks good and my cervix is closed, so all is well. PB was sitting in breech lotus position, directly over my cervix. We got a little wave but that was it. No showoff somersaults this time. PB wanted to meditate undisturbed. I'm still on pelvic rest (and realistically, probably will be for the remainder of this pregnancy.) Yoga is fine - the baby is already learning Savasana! - but no high-impact sports or classes. I have figured out that when I start to feel cramps, I lie on the bed and put my feet up and in a few hours, I feel completely better. It's the learning to listen to my body and slow down that has actually gotten easier with my guided meditations from class. I also bought some hippy birthing book about being mindful but whenever I read it in the tub, I start to nod off. Maybe that's the point?
We scheduled our anatomy scan and have to call for the Fetal EKG for late June. This next scan is the halfway point for this pregnancy! Babies born after 36 weeks are considered full-term. It's a little strange to think that after this appointment, we probably won't have another ultrasound till 28 weeks. That's the longest stretch yet without visuals but at least in the later second and third trimesters, you have a rapidly expanding belly and can feel some forceful fetal movements.
Speaking of bellies and movements, although I've been feeling PB flutter about since around 12 weeks, it's gotten stronger and more frequent. I even felt a distinct tapping today when I was working on some assignments for school. It feels like a little pulse right above my scar. There is certainly a small but more permanent protrusion at my bikini line (finally) so that's something. 17 weeks, kid. It's about time! I can proudly say that in the shower, I finally look pregnant.
It's going to be a busy May but Foetus is brewing strong and we can't wait to clear out the nursery and celebrate with a little Outer Banks beach break.
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