This little girl continues to complete her Jedi training in utero during yoga and the hours previously devoted to "sleeping." Anytime I'm slightly reclined or still for more than a few minutes, her little brain fires up the "let's move!" neurons and away she goes. I can finally feel a good, strong poke from the outside but we're still waiting to see visual evidence. I'm sure when my bump finally emerges from hovering over my scar that it will be easier. Supposedly the uterus is going to be the size of a soccer ball by the end of next week. Where I am stashing that, I do not know, but PB is the length of a carrot and weighs almost 11 oz in my 21st week.
Now that I've been feeling movement consistently for 9 weeks (!) I think I've got a pretty good handle on her internal rhythms. She's not food or music responsive but she does react to touch and my movement. I think I can also distinguish between kicks/punches/jabs and hiccups now. I was sitting in the class-that-wouldn't-end yesterday, lotus position on the floor, and felt a series of pops in my lower pelvis. Pretty confident those were hiccups. Hey, I did have an iced latte so maybe it was too much for her. Or perhaps she was as bored as her mother. Come on! If you're going to talk up the C-Section Video, it probably should have been filmed in the last decade with, ya know, modern technology. I learned more about 1990's maternity wear than I did about birth. Where can I get one of those delightful looking parachute jumpsuits?
Here's my baby code:
Hiccups = rhythmic, typically right below my belly button
Movement = prolonged bubble-like sensation like she's stretching (or frankly, like there's gas built up in my intestines) OR a powerful "thwack" like an internal fart
It's kind of cool that she and I are finally getting used to a mutual daily cycle in our sixth month together. It won't be long before this contained nocturnal activity becomes a crying, wet, nipple-dependent presence in our bedroom. Maybe she's just prepping me for months of 3-hour-max REM cycles but seriously, kid, I could do without the accompanying heartburn and the 12:00 and 3:00 AM wake-up calls. It's a good night if I only wake up twice and last night? Not so good. Knock it off and go play with your umbilical cord or something.
In other news, Oscar believes our new glider exists solely for his amusement.
He didn't wait for an invitation - just hopped up on my lap like, "so, what does this thing do?" When I began rocking and swiveling, he dug those paws into my thighs and held on for dear life. It was pretty funny. You are such a big baby, Oscar! Now he waits for me to situate myself at night and takes a ride or two on the Big Fun Chair. At least this way it will be broken in for PB, even if it's another 10 week wait for the ottoman. Scary to think that we could have a birthday scheduled for her by the time it arrives.
I'm practicing supplementing my lack of actual nighttime sleep with naps and it's almost that time again. Thought we were over this geriatric business but I guess not. Oh well. Pregnancy is full of surprises! And dreams of peanut busters. Mmm...peanut buster...raw oysters...spicy tuna roll...zzzzzz.
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