Tuesday morning, headache was back. I had been up all night reading Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn after having devoured Gone Girl over the weekend. I finally get the hype now. It's the train wreck you can't look away from and there's something seriously magnetic about the entirely messed up characters. Nothing like a sordid thriller to take away pregnancy pains. I read it between the hours of 10 pm and 4 am, it was so absorbing. I'm sure the suspense helped my BP readings. Little T seemed content to thump around all night as I read into the early hours of what would become her birthday.
Rhett had stayed home with me both Friday and Monday through all the appointments/tests. I hadn't been able to drive myself anywhere going on two weeks at that point so it was extra nice to have him around but I was feeling guilty about needing a murse (male nurse) to look after me. Tuesday morning, I foolishly sent him to work saying I'd text immediately when test results were back. Yeah...not one of my best judgement calls. In retrospect, that was pretty dumb but who knew we'd be having a baby later that night?
I luckily logged onto the patient portal website through my OB office and saw that labs had come back late the previous night. Wow, that was oddly fast. It took me over three hours of cross referencing and over analyzing numbers to realize that these were FRIDAY'S results from the hospital. D'oh! Thought that was odd of LabCorp to be so prompt. I then panicked and called the OB office saying I was waiting on results and could Dr. Convery please call to confirm she got them. They had just come in that morning and would be reviewed shortly. Many more hours of waiting, me feeling progressively crappier and crappier, barely getting out of bed and just short of blacking out, and finally my phone rings. It's Dr. Convery. Yes, I have been spilling protein in my urine and my blood work indicates renal distress. It's definitely preeclampsia but it's atypical presentation. She doesn't know quite how to proceed because she's never seen a case like me. Obvious indication is delivery but she wants to consult with Dr. Garfinkel first. She tells me to pack myself up for the hospital and she'll call me right back.
Wait...hospital? Like this is go-time? Fudge. My husband is in Hoboken, my dog has no kennel reservations, I am alone and not driving. I immediately text Rhett.
"Hi! How soon can you get home?"
"I'll call you in five minutes."
Then I text my dad, hoping he's not in a meeting. He is not and can be there in 30 minutes unless I need him sooner. Yes, sooner.
Convery calls back. Dr. Garfinkel wants you to go to the hospital so he can evaluate you himself. He may be delivering you tonight so be prepared. When is the last time you had something to eat or drink? Good luck and let me know if anything changes.
Holy shit. A baby? Tonight? This baby. She's possibly being born a month early and it's my fault because I developed this condition. What if she's not ready? I'm ready but is she? I know they told me she was 6 lbs 14 oz last Wednesday but I didn't really believe that was accurate. Thank goodness I shaved my legs but what about my cha-cha? I think they do it if you haven't. Oh my God, we're having a baby? This is not what I planned. I'm just so happy she's packed and I'm packed and I hope Rhett finished shoving things in his bag. Oscar. Oh man, let me call the kennel. Rhett will have to take him. I hope he can get home ASAP. Cab? Train direct to Morristown - oh good, he's calling me back.
I fill my husband in on everything that's happened as my father pulls up, ready to drive me to L&D for the fifth time in a month. This time, though, I have a feeling I won't be going home and when I do, it will be with our fundal bundle. While not exactly the way I saw the drive to the hospital playing out, it was kind of nice to have my dad along for the ride. After all, who better to have by your side than the man who was there for your own deeply dramatic, eventful birth? Like mother, like daughter, I guess. We made it to the hospital in a record 30 minutes, arriving shortly after 4:00 PM.
Sweet. A preggo spot is open, which is oddly located further away from the entrance than the "parking for strollers" spots. Whatever, stroller parents. You have wheels. Your legs aren't shaking because this is probably the last time you'll be walking for 48 hours. Did I mention how incredibly strange it is to go from 0-60 in the span of two hours?
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