Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hallelujah!  September is finally here and my 20-something-day countdown has begun.  Labor Day came and went with no, uh, labor scares so that was an accomplishment.  Also, Bertucci's.  We have one close by.  Who KNEW? 

Hopefully the week is L&D free, though with this b.s. sauna-like heatwave, I'm not tempting fate by going outside more than Oscar absolutely needs.  On that note, our furry Romeo can't make it past his lady love Daisy's house without peeing on her wall or trying to leave her "presents" in the yard.  The two of them really need to get a room...

Maggie, the older wiser white dog, who has been cast in the role of "Nurse," sits with her back to these two crazy kids, rolling her eyes, not chaperoning very well at all.  I guess that makes me...Friar Lawrence?  I'm like, "Hey, yeah, great idea getting these two together!  This couldn't possibly end poorly."  And then our Juliet runs out into the street because she's 5 months old and can't quite control her floppy puppy body.  I do take secret pleasure in letting the young lovers mack it on "Friendly Neighbors'" front strip.  They are dog haters and generally unpleasant folk so it's their misfortune to live behind the nearest fire hydrant. 

We'll save the lovin' for when the sun goes down, to paraphrase Fleetwood Mac, and keep the A/C blasting this week.

Otherwise, my morning will be spent cursing the world's loudest lawn maintenance fleet as they blow the dirt and fallen leaves around unnecessarily while I finish up my final Linguistics project.  (I can't wait till they start coming during PB's nap time and I am out on the street raving at the heavens because she can't sleep through their racket.)  Maybe I'm just cranky because I woke up in the glider at 5:45 AM after less than 2 hours of sleep...I remember getting out of bed around 3:45 because I couldn't breathe propped up or lying on either side.  This is such a fun game!  Can't wait to see where I wake up tomorrow.

Waiting for the doctor to call at some point this week with intel about rescheduling the MFM scan next week but otherwise, today is my final day of working on anything Drexel related until January.  WOHOO!

Damn straight, Grandpa Joe. 


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