Friday, March 21, 2014

Almost there

I realize it's been two long weeks since I've written diddly on this here blog.  The best laid plans more often than not fall by the wayside, as I'm learning every day at MHS.

I admit it: I'm a terrible blogger.  Thank goodness I don't tweet because I'd be even worse at that.  I simply lack the energy these days but I suppose that's because I have a very demanding stowaway that sucks my very life-force through its nutrient uptake tube.

I am eagerly awaiting the day when this bone-deep fatigue is a thing of the past.  I can't help thinking that it will magically disappear once I'm finished student teaching.  These kids!  They are exhausting.  I'm loving every minute that I spend in school but once I get home, I'm completely useless to Oscar and to Rhett.  I feel like one of those windup dolls from Babes in Toyland that functions for exactly 10 hours a day and then runs out of steam.

Sometimes, I admit, I would rather eat peanut butter out of the jar than get off my butt and make something so when I'm alone for days at a time, it's not a pretty picture.  It involves rooting around in the freezer, debating what constitutes a meal, or hoping the delicious one-pot leftovers my chef de cuisine made last until he comes home.  LAZY.  I am lazy.  I would probably go to bed each night at 8:00 PM if I could still get up and function the next day.  I also think it's contagious.  Oscar sleeps from 4:30 PM until I take him out at 9:00, then he'll sleep until 5:00 AM.  He's mummy's lil' champion.

Tomorrow marks my 11th week.  I am fortunate to still be in all of my normal clothes, though I am resisting those stupid belly bands that expand the buttons but still keep your waist fastened.  What happens when the zipper starts bursting?  You'd need to wear a tunic anyway so I figure if I need to be in pants so badly, I can round up some leggings and call it a day.

Some highlights from the past two weeks:

  • March 13 was our first official OB appointment and we were there for an entire hour.  David, as he likes to be called, is in practice with 3 other OBs and one midwife.  He is an advocate for woman's choice in birth, meaning he's natural birth friendly, and very much a straight shooter.  I appreciate the school of no-nonsense, fast-talking docs with a sense of humor.  I don't need some crunchy hand-holder who won't give me hard facts and figures.  I enjoy honesty and someone who tells me directly, "look, you can jump around, do Pilates, pretty much anything that still feels comfortable because if you miscarry, that won't be the reason."  Refreshing.  Also, about that lets-scare-pregnant-women frame of mind?  He's decidedly not a subscriber.      

  • There are 6 labor/delivery tubs at Morristown and you can bet your boots I'll be reserving one of those rooms so I can tub it up in comfort before it's time to push.  I'm already looking forward to the challenge and I do so love a warm bath.  What better way to come into the world?  
  • The foetus, or fetus, is now the size of a date.  He or she passed the first blood test with normal results and we won't see another ultrasound until April 8 when we get the first trimester screening results.  At that point, I'll be 13 weeks so it may be too early to see any bits and bobs, if they exist.  I've been scrutinizing the fuzzy pictures I have from Week 9 but there's only bum pointed toward the camera.  

We've finished Romeo and Juliet as well as Streetcar so now all there's left to do is debrief, review, assess, and assign the final projects.  My freshmen are doing partnered scene work and my juniors are rewriting the ending to the play.  It's going to be a grading frenzy through the end of the marking period and then I will collapse in a heap on April 5, sad to say goodbye to these lovies.


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