Sunday, March 2, 2014

7 Weeks

I really should backdate this post to 2/25 but seeing as I'm two days into Week 8 now, I'll just update what I can and try to be better about it in the future (no guarantees until mid-April when student teaching is over).  Honestly, between grad work and teaching and attempting to stay awake until at least 9:00 pm, I have the social life of a medicated shut-in.

At Tuesday's appointment, my father substituted for Rhett who was in London.  It was extra special for him as it was dad's 60th birthday and he got to see and hear his future grandbaby's heartbeat.  145 bpm, measuring on target, the size of a small blueberry.  Dr. Hock didn't zoom in enough to see the tail of the tadpole but that's ok.  It won't look much like a baby until Week 9 and then we'll be at my new OB.  Dr. Hock confirmed that we're "graduating" after the Week 8 scan which is this Tuesday.  It's still very surreal.  My first OB appointment isn't until March 13 and it's a brand new doctor who comes highly recommended.  The office is a bit far but I figure going once every 4 weeks, I can make the trek.  After all, I did elect to deliver at the hospital that's 45 minutes away instead of the one literally across the river here...I compare it to the choice of flying coach from Newark to Hong Kong or springing for the seats that fold flat into beds.  This is one trip where it's worth the extras. 

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