Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Something new

Ah.  So that's what morning sickness feels like.  I learned this yesterday around 4:30 PM.  I've been having some crazy vertigo spells like Lucille II if I get up too quickly or stare at a screen for too long but my first true wave of nausea leveled me for about an hour and a half. 

After consulting various sources, I decided to stay away from ginger tea (it's on the "likely safe" list which means there isn't enough research either way) but next time I probably will go for the peppermint tea.  I have vowed not to be one of those women who lives in fear of eating the "wrong thing" for her entire pregnancy.  Stay away from the obvious and I'll be just fine, thank you very much.

Not that I'm complaining about any of the side effects.  I'm totally not.  It makes me feel like something is happening in there with the poppy seeds doing back flips or something.  Makes it more "real" that things are moving along past cramps and engorged breasts (which, let's be honest, happens every month anyway.)  I am keeping my fingers crossed that the next 8 weeks of teaching are uneventful because school is literally the last place I'd want to be overheated/nauseous/dizzy.  I can see it now: "Ms. Caldwell, why are you lying on the floor?"  ha! 

The best news since finding out is that I seem to have no trouble now digesting dairy.  Thanks, hCG!  I plan to load up on healthy calcium whenever possible and that includes string cheese which I haven't had since probably 8th grade.  Such a good snack.  I used to put it on Ritz crackers with peanut butter but the thought of that now is not so appealing...

Thank goodness this is technically a "half day" due to snow delay.  I can handle 25 min periods. 

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