This is four days late but hey, it's been one of those weeks...
Something was not sitting right with me after last Sunday's fiasco so I left a message for Nurse Anne Tuesday morning updating her on the situation. The bleeding hadn't really resolved and I wanted answers. She called me back by the end of the day and it turns out, she had no record of anything "irregular" on my chart. She saw that I went to Basking Ridge on Sunday and I explained why. I told her about Doogie and how freaked out I was when we left and she was very reassuring. My blood work was where it should be so most likely there was nothing to worry about but she had me go in Wednesday morning for an us/s to get us back on our weekly schedule and find out what exactly was going on in there.
Dr. Bohrer was perkier than usual when he saw us and that was reassuring. Without saying anything, he diagnosed me immediately. Turns out the bleeding is caused by a Subchorionic Hematoma (SCH: a blood clot in the uterine wall) and this occurs in about 20% of first trimester pregnancies. I had done my research and knew that this was a possibility and the the prognosis can really go either way, depending on the location. I'm one of the lucky ones: the clot is very small and it's positioned far enough away from the amniotic sac that it isn't a direct danger to the baby. It's not even touching the placenta. Of course he did caution me to take it easy until the clot either bleeds out entirely or is reabsorbed by my uterus - and there's no telling when that will be, a few weeks or longer - but he didn't seem that worried. No pelvic activity for me until this is resolved...
Then we moved on to more pleasant findings. We saw the little tadpole - really, it looks more like a miniature beluga whale - and then my eye caught the flicker. Rhett noticed it right away, too, and sure enough, there was the heartbeat at 6 weeks. We got to hear it on the monitor. 117 bpm, right on target! Hemorrhage or not, this baby is making itself at home for the long haul.
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