Monday, November 18, 2013

Follies on fire

It's Monday afternoon.  I've had two five-minute "naps" but I can't seem to summon the now caffeine-free energy levels I had yesterday after my - whoops - peppermint mocha.  Oh well.  Somehow, someway this school work will get done.  I love leaving papers until the next-to-last minute anyway.  That's when I produce my best work.  And really, I'm growing a bunch of follicles here so my energy and mind are focused elsewhere.

I just received the RMA email with my stats.  Things are really taking off in the E2 department!  I'm now at 1313!  Holy cow, that's more than doubled since Saturday, and should continue to climb over the next two days.  We go back every day now for close monitoring because, well, we're that close to retrieval.  My lining is at 7 mm so that's progressing nicely but here are the rest of my stats (copied and pasted from my nurse's email):

3 left follicles less than 11 mm in size
1 left follicles between 11 to 13 mm in size
1 left follicles between 14 to 15 mm in size
1 left follicles between 16 to 17 mm in size

5 right follicles less than 11 in size
5 right follicles between 11 to 13 mm in size

Do we see that left follie I've highlighted?  That's Large Marge.  She's our lead follie meaning she's the standard by which all others are measured and the one who will determine when we trigger.  She's at 16 mm today and will probably be at 18 mm tomorrow, meaning we'd be triggering sometime on Wednesday, most likely.  Follicles are considered mature once they reach 15 mm so when the lead follie reaches 20, it's all systems go.  They don't want anything much under 15 or much over 20 by retrieval day so hopefully those slow pokes on the right catch up. 

Marge is a big girl. There's no way to explain why she's so eager and, um, robust, but she and her sisters on the lost continent are running this show now.  Go figure, right?  There's a chance we could get all five on the right to grow up to 16 or 17 mm by retrieval and that would be great.  At this point, Dr. Hock said they probably won't adjust my meds but she does want Dr. Shastri to check in on things tomorrow and then we'll see what the game plan is.  She's not concerned in any way but mentioned that the faster the big ones grow, the harder it will be for the others to catch up.  We realize that we risk having only 3 or 4 eggs to retrieve instead of the 8+ we could have but if they're healthy, that's what matters. 

This protocol emphasizes quality over quantity and Large Marge seems like she's enjoying her cereal-and-steak regimen so I have no problems keeping that up for the next few days while we wait for the trigger instructions.  

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