Monday, November 18, 2013

Phantom Planet

Allow me a tangential post before I write about today's appointment.  It will blow your mind, as it blew ours when we first heard.  You can't make this stuff up.

I have a phantom ovary on the left where my once-present ovary previously dwelled.  In this brave new solar system, we found three apparently healthy, growing follicles.  These are no minor follies: they are now 14 mm, outranking even the expected haul of five "measurables" on the right side.  What these follicles are doing out in space, we may never know.  Whether some healthy tissue was accidentally left or allowed to remain by design, we can only learn by asking Dr. Slomovitz, the DaVinci cowboy who did my surgery last month.  Dr. Hock said she felt like giving him a call to share the bizarre and unexpected news.  Of course, she said, she never expects the expected from me but this is unprecedented.

We first learned that there may be something brewing on the left side during our RE visit last Tuesday.  We were told these were most likely follicles but neither Rhett nor I wanted to believe it.  Couldn't they be cysts?  Blood clots and debris left over from surgery?  Talk about not trusting the expert opinion!  What on earth would healthy egg follicles be doing in the empty space left over from my hydrosalpinx and bum ovary?

When we went back on Saturday morning, the moons orbiting my phantom planet had grown.  They were responding to the stims as follies should.  How was this happening?  We began to allow ourselves to believe that these were legit.  They certainly looked identical to the burgeoning follicles on the right, though they lacked a measurable ovarian vessel.  Poor babies!  How are they attached?  Are they just hanging out, waiting for their mother-ship to return?  I feel bad for them.  They're all alone in there, acting like nothing is out of the norm when in fact they should medically, statistically not exist.  What if they're some kind of mutant super-ova? 

As ass-backwards as this seems, it is happening for real.  The proof is in my phantom planet. 

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