Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The race is on

Nurse Anne just called to say all looks on target for a trigger shot tomorrow.  We go back for morning monitoring and await instructions.  There are a few smaller follies they'd ideally like to see in the 13-15 range but it's anyone's guess how much they'll grow between now and Friday. 

Get this: Marge has been outlarged!   She's still hovering around 16 mm while two of my gals on the right have eaten some serious Wheaties and now outrank her at 18 and 17 mm.  That's awesome.  Hearty Harriet and Big Beulah are now contenders for lead follie.  What's even better, though, is the handful of runners-up chugging away on the right side.  At this rate, they will be ready for our bountiful harvest by Friday. 

2 left follicles less than 11 mm in size
0 left follicles between 11 to 13 mm in size
0 left follicles between 14 to 15 mm in size
2 left follicles between 16 to 17 mm in size
0 left follicles between 18 to 19 mm in size
0 left follicles greater than 19 mm in size

3 right follicles less than 11 in size
5 right follicles between 11 to 13 mm in size
1 right follicles between 14 to 15 mm in size
1 right follicles between 16 to 17 mm in size
1 right follicles between 18 to 19 mm in size
0 right follicles greater than 19 mm in size

Dr. Shastri said the minute we get a solid >18 is when we trigger so that should be tomorrow night at some point.  They stagger the times of retrieval so it could be anywhere from 5:30-midnight that I take the Ovidrel meaning 36 hours later I'll be in the OR.

I'm trying not to get too much ahead of myself.  E2 is 2015 which is great.  Lining is still a 7 but I have a week from today before transfer, should we make it to that point.  It should be noted that not every follicle will contain an egg.  In theory, they should each produce one ovum and in some cases two ova but nature's a sneaky bitch sometimes and fools even the pros.  Even if we do get an initial egg from each, we can expect a percentage of them not to make it through fertilization.  This is some Darwinian action in motion. 

I'm also trying not to count my follies every day as human error alters the total from scan to scan (plus things move around in there and as the ovary swells sometimes you can't get an accurate count.)   It is tempting to say we could be looking at a haul of 10 follicles.  That's worlds away from the "four or five" I was quoted on Halloween and would give us a greater chance for having some frosties.  We went into this not expecting to have anything left over to freeze so any remote glimmer of a possibility that we could one day give a child a biological sibling...but I'll quit while we're ahead.  No point dreaming down that road until we prove that it can take the first time. 

Now who wants some filet?   

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