Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"You're ready"

"Looks like you're ready.  They all look pretty juicy." 

Ew?  Juicy makes me think of pomegranate seeds and I actually enjoy eating those but not when you compare it to my anatomy.  Thanks, doc. 

Mel Brooks was all smiles this morning.  Haven't seen him since July.  He went follie scouting one last time to get a final count and it looks like we have four lead follicles.  It's a quartet of 19-20 mm leading ladies so Hearty Harriet, Big Beulah, Large Marge and Long Lena are ready to perform on Friday.  He also counted 4-5 other mature follies between 13-17 mm so those will be in the mix as well.  That's a wonderful bounty.  Seems they enjoyed their sushi dinner last night.

Rhett and I were so happy, we were willing to overlook the juicy comment and this gem of an exchange:

M.B. "It looks like you may have a blocked tube?"
Me  "Well, no.  I don't have a tube.  It was removed with my ovary on September 30."   
M.B. "Are you sure?"
Me  :pause: "Yeah, pretty sure."
Rhett "It was Dr. Slomovitz on the robot."
M.B. "OK, cause I'm looking at these follicles..."
Me "We know.  It's a phantom ovary. We were shocked when Dr. Hock told us."
M.B. "Ok, looks good then!"

Did that just happen? 

I laugh now but our biggest beef with RMA is that they leave notes for each other so why the heck don't they communicate essential information like, oh, "Patient had unilateral slapingectomy/oophorectomy last month"!?!  Not. Difficult. OY.

I am currently awaiting trigger shot instructions for this evening.  I should get a call between 4 and 5 pm telling me when to take the two pre-filled syringes of Ovidrel.  I've heard it's a bitch.  I say bring it.  I've got one paper overdue, another lesson plan and rubric to finish, but I'm not worried. 

Looked up the retrieval schedule for Friday and it's - get this, House fans - Dr. Eric Forman.  ha!   He seems like a sensitive guy, someone you'd want to hear talking to you before they give you the propofol.  Honestly, is there a quota on that stuff?  I don't think I've ever had a hypnotic/amnestic as frequently over a six month period...this is the year of anesthesia and I'm so over it.

Gotta do more research into any pain/discomfort to expect after retrieval but since I'm not in any pain/discomfort now with my small bundle of eggs, I think I'll be ok.   Basically just feels like it's never-ending PMS but less severe than my usual monthly trip to the funhouse.  

Until later...


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